K5-5th Grade Workshops

Peacemakers' Workshops

Peacemakers’ Workshops are engaging day-long workshops where students are empowered to discover their own peacemaking abilities. Peacemakers’ Workshops encourage students and adults alike to build communities of mutual respect, cooperation, personal accountability and tolerance. Through cooperative games, small group study, and role play, students practice healthy ways to communicate, manage conflict nonviolently, build self-esteem and think critically about the impact peaceful action has on their community.  Curricula is age-appropriate and scaffolded for schools that participate in programming in consecutive years.  For more information click the links below:

Utilizing a variety of presentation formats, topics addressed at Peacemakers’ Workshops are revisited with more in-depth discussion and practice of key skills. Students are introduced to new conflict resolution skills and community building activities.

*Peacemakers’ Workshop Level 2 for Early and Middle Elementary are designed specifically for classrooms including students who have visited Peace Learning Center at least once previously, including multi-aged classrooms.

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